Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Evaluation - Ben Livesey

i thought the sequence was successful because we managed to get every camera shot required, including shot, reverse shot, establishing shots in the corridors, 180 degree rule and match on action. During the editing process we changed the film to black and white to make it look more like an old ninja movie, to further give the impression of an old ninja movie we added a 'cork pop' sound effect where there were karate chops in the clip to exaggerate them. As well as adding tense music that gradually gets louder during the final scene.  The only problem we had was a few of the clips were shaky in places where the tripod had been knocked but we managed to edit most of it out. another problem is there is a gap at the end after Ben has been karate chopped and before it zooms into his face so we tried to correct this error with a fade out transition but it would of looked better all as one clip. i liked, and would use again, all of the shots that we used, and the 180 degree rule is vital or for example, people talking face to face would look as though they are sat next to each other. i have learnt that footage that may not necessarily look good can be made to look better using the computer editing software.

Evaluation - Carl Rawcliffe

hello this is my rendition of the evaluation of the video of above...
are sequence was fair successful id like to think in the way we got all the required camera shots in so yes great success. We did well in the continuity as the whole scene went smoothly with no pauses or mixed positions from the actors so it was quite well done. The hand held shots we tried didnt go to well they were to shaky and looked pretty shoddy and amateurish   and to be fair were a level above amateur so we changed to using the tripod on the close up shots!! which worked to great avail.  If i had my time again to do the prelim i think me and Ben would of tried to portray are emotions better in the acting scenes other then that i have no complaints the whole thing went well and was good wouldnt change a thing. i have learnt to respect the power of camera effect and angle and how a camera angle can set the scene its brilliant. i have learnt how to add effects to the whole scene add slides and fades and all together know how to put videos together and then ater edit them...

Great success were all in this together team whoop!!

Evaluation - Ben Briscoe

Hello people of the internet. Here is my take on our quite frankly genious prelim task. There were many successful elements to our task. We managed to get all the required camera shots into our 1min + short film. The establishing shots of the corridors @ the start were used to set the scene, and they looked particularly good because we used the cameras tripod to give a solid base for the shot. The match on action was really good aswell, it was a little sketchy when we 1st filmed it but once we got into the editing stage, we ironed it out and made it run smooth. Some of the shots we filmed on the day didnt really work in the editing stage, so they got deleted. Apart from that and the above, i had no complaints. If we got another chance to do it again, i think we'd take a little more seriously, and be more professional with chosing the shots to shoot. I've learnt that the editing process is really crucial to the final product, without good editing, you havent got a film. Also, the camera shots themselves are key to creating the right atmosphere. They are also very important.

Well there you go. Evaluatin done. 

Ben Ben and Carl FTW!

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