Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Finished Piece, enjoy x

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Livesey is currently working on getting the final product and audience feedback clips on here... im sure they'll appear very soon!

Media Evaluation

Finally got slideshare to work. Its not the all singing all dancing clolrful powerpoint i origionally made, but this will have to do!

Ben Briscoe, Media Project Evaluation

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009


In what ways does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?- the genre of our film is social realism thriller, its a social realism film as its tackling issues that the youth of today and the whole young generation in thier teens will have witnessed and be faced with at some point. Within the film we have used action gun/knife crime the whole film itself would have incuded sex violence and drugs the wole shabang and party scenes as our target audience would be wanting to watch this as its what they are expecting. Its vital to use these typical elements because the target audience are going to be expecting them and its rude to disapoint, we tried to cater to there taste. the only thing we changed a little bit was the main protagonist as in the films like Adulthood and Bullet boy the main protagonist are always from the council estates always grown up rough and are always faced with the problems like drugs and violence,Whereas the protagonist in our film has grown up with both parents,in a nice semi detached house in a good area and was successful at school. We changed the lead actor's background to mix things up a little bit so it wasnt always the same as the other films and the story is all about how his life went from bliss to tragic so quickly. We thought this would be successful because its something different andits quite a good stroy to be fair something different and interesting to see. The audience responded well to the opening sequence asking questions like why was he running and wh was he shot and this making them want to carry on watching the rest of the film. So the enigmas we set up by the sequence were good as people wanted to carry on watching to find out what was going on. This could of easily backfired and the audience go agains the sequence and not want to watch it at all!.

How does your media Product represent particular social groups?- in our film we represented the youth of today in our sequence and the issues that they deal with because are target audience are of smilar age they can relate to whats going on. We did this by making a story that is real and factual and has probabily happend somewhere n England before now. We made the issues realistic like drugs violence and the costumes used were all simple and to the point all the actors are dresed like typical teenagers and its all very straight from the hood!. In the media today we are always seeing victims of knife crime and what are film is about is people just like these so we our being quite stereotypical. The costumes used also kind of portray good VS evil as the clothes of the protagonist who is on the run is a red jacket and light navy pants and the chaser is all in black. The natural lighting used within makes it look gritty and real with no spotlights or anything it gives the whole sequence a more cheap and real look.

What kind of Media institution might distribute your media product and why?- vertigo films would be the producton film company to promote and distribute our film as they make films like this the british gritty realism films..Other films such as Football Factory which are british and show the life of males in a football firm was a great success so a film of similar topic would probabily get backing by them.

Who would be the audience for your media product?-the age range for our target audience is 16-25 of the all races living in this age range because this age range will have dealth with witnesed and partaken in most of the goings on in our film race isnt a barrier in this film as from the estates and local areas all people are living together. It is probabily a more male film as its all violence drugs sex and partys and things and the main actors are guys girls can still enjoy it no doubt as it would be a great film buts it mostly a male orientated film for guys. We did a questionnaire to find out the target audience and all the questions were related to our film and all the answers went in our favour meening the people answering the questions and answering yes are the audience we are hoping for and luckily they did. Obviously the people who are fans of social realism TV programmes like the soaps and things and other movies relating to social realism will be fans to. The younger generation are a good generation to aim for because they will be the generation to have the time to go the cinema's and spend the money on watching the films and being as there is many young people in colleges around the UK, so financially the film would make some good money becuase the youth will be spending money at the cinema and things thier is a possible second audience aswell as the 16-25 year olds maybe the middle age people 25-34 people who are still young and in touch with the youth and know what is going on in the world maybe they would find this film intriguing especially if thy watch soaps and other social realism related programmes. Our product did gain a good reaction from a target audience all wanting to carry on watching the film to find out the full story!

How did you attract/address audience?- We attracted the audience straight away by involving an equilibrium starting with an esatblishing shot then straight after going into a chase scene with a high tempo soundtrack wich we hoped would get the adrenaline pumping in the audience and into the film straight away. We created a sence of time via the costume used as they were all modern up to date clothes and all the shots were done during the day so was light and people new was a film set in the present time. the editing pace we used we thought was qute fast jumping from shot to shot to creat some speed and suspence as its a chase scene we tried matching the shots and chase to the music so was fast and continual!.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of the constructing this product?-We used youtube to research other films opening sequences and adverts for films like adulthood and bulletboy so we could get an idea of how to go about creating the opening sequence and take tips on the camera shots and soundtrack they used. We have also had to shift through many CD's looking for an appropriate soundtrack for the film and when finding the right one had to save the track on a pen drive then upload it to the videos and apply to the scene,we also had to cut the soundtack and start it again during the film because the tune began to slow down, i have learnt how to upload videos from the camera to the computer then edit each shot and add soundtracks and effects to to creat effect with the film.

Looking back at your preliminary task,what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product.?- Our coursweork piece is better then our peliminary piece because the prelim is all very basic and easy to do and we didnt branch out all that much. Sticking to filming the simple shots and folowing the basic instructions to geta feel for the camera. Wheras in the final piece we did many shots and also tried many shots wich we didnt use like close ups on faces esatblising shots of back alleys to set the scene. The transitions in the final piece are alot smoother and easier to follow linking all together as oppose to the prelim where we just stop and cut to the next scene this all flows like the chase sequence we have a shot of the car wheel then feet running then a gear change and so on its all alot more complex and better put together. We also changed simple little thins like instead of filming on the tripod wed adjust the height or angle to give the overall shot a different look.

Overall the film was very good we did well are strengths i feel were the number of different short length shots we mixed all together in sequence wich added to the overall pace of the film and even when some shots were slightly long winded wed edit them and cut them into smaller shots to make it more appealing and quick like the running down the stairs we changed it to make it go quicker to keep the audience interested. The other strengths were probabily the range of shots we did some were establishing some were close ups all the shots involved a different form of action wich kept the audience all the way through seeing a new form of action and never getting bored. We had a dabble in some effects aswell at the end shot when he is shot and falls to the ground the scene is all negative look and is just something different for the vieers. Also the quality of the acting and the fitness of the protagonist were second to none and was beyond belief and the turn of pace shown by the second actor from the car to the park gateway phenomenal.